Cleantech for Baltics initiative were presented in the Presidential Palace in Lithuania

On the 28th of October, Laima Balčiūnė, the Director Lithuania of Cleantech for Baltics, took center stage at the Presidential Palace to unveil a collaborative endeavor involving the three Baltic nations and present preliminary results of the ongoing research in Lithuania's clean technology sector. This initiative will lay the foundation for the creation of the "Cleantech for Baltics" coalition.

“Cleantech for Baltics” stands as a groundbreaking project poised to empower clean technologies and sustainability innovations, benefiting from substantial backing from the renowned “Breakthrough Energy” fund.

The roadshow event garnered the presence of Jaroslav Neverovič, the Chief Advisor on Environmental and Infrastructure Issues to the President of Lithuania, who wholeheartedly expressed his endorsement. Further enriching the discourse, Audronė Alijošiutė, a distinguished authority in sustainable development and the head of the Lithuanian Responsible Business Association, offered profound insights into climate innovations.

Laima Balčiūnė not only illuminated the nascent findings from research within Lithuania’s clean technology sector but also engaged in a roadshow event that reverberated with significance.

Throughout the roadshow event, an illuminating exchange of ideas transpired, spotlighting the harmonious interplay between innovation and sustainability. Moreover, a comprehensive review of the initial outcomes arising from the ongoing research endeavors within Lithuania’s clean technology realm took place.

Yet, this juncture merely marks the commencement of this transformative project’s introduction. The official inauguration is slated for the 30th of November, set to unfold during the Baltic Sustainability Forum event in Riga.

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