Baltic cleantech 9 to watch in 2024

Baltic cleantech is on the rise. With many new and emerging companies to surface, there's no doubt that the sector will witness more growth in 2024. Our team has put together a list of nine cleantech companies, three from each Baltic country, who are on the course of becoming the next big thing.



  • RAIKU produces 100% natural, compostable, highly protective and aesthetically beautiful packaging material to substitute single-use plastic.
  • Roofit.Solar’s award-winning fully integrated solar roofs combine the traditional Nordic metal roof design with progressive solar technology.
  • UP Catalyst focuses on turning the harmful greenhouse gas CO2 into valuable carbon nanomaterials and graphite.



  • PurOceans™ is a revolutionary technology that removes 98% of seabed pollution through the patented method called Deep Water Rehabilitation.
  • Terrawaste provides a next-generation advanced waste recycling technology that turns non-recyclable waste into valuable feedstock for the materials industry.
  • WinGo is a packaging collection and processing technology created in Latvia that can do things no other machine of this kind can – anywhere in the world.



  • Divaks is dedicated to the development of tailor-made, high-quality insect protein solutions for the food industry.
  • Inbalance grid is a developer of energy-efficient smart electric vehicle charging software, an award-winning hardware design house, and an EV charging network operator.
  • HeavyFinance is a climate technology firm providing sustainable finance and investment solutions for agriculture.

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